COVID-19 Update – Doing Our Best to Keep Our Employees Informed

January 11, 2021


RE: COVID-19 Update – Doing Our Best to Keep Our Employees Informed

Dear Employee:

I am reaching out to all Task-co Employees in regards to working in public places/areas while trying to stay clear of contracting COVID-19.

As everyone knows, we are all taking a risk that we could possibly contract COVID-19 while we are out providing an essential service to help keep ourselves and our client’s fight against getting the COVID-19 virus.

At Task-co, Management is monitoring all locations that we are working in to ascertain if any one of our locations have any of their Employees infected with COVID-19.

If this happens Employees of Task-co will be notified and extra measures will be taken with additional personal protective equipment (PPE) to be worn on site.

The client will then be notified that before we go back into service to clean/disinfect the account, it will be mandatory that we fog their location with disinfectant should there be COVID-19 at their facility.

Fogging will disinfect the air and all surfaces to kill COVID-19. The fogging solution will also remain on all surfaces for a long period of time to help protect the surfaces where people are working. Then Task-co will monitor the situation at that location and determine if more fogging will be required.

As the Owner and Supervisor of Task-co Building Maintenance, I have been observing how we work on the job sites. So far we are doing a great job, but as the numbers climb we must keep improving our well-being while our brave workers are out working, keeping ourselves safe and our client’s business safe from COVID-19.

There are some things I have noted, which I had made mandatory and I would like us all to start practicing in the New Year so we can all take extra measures to keep all of us safe while working together and so that we can make a living as employment numbers are dropping due to this pandemic.

As we have heard in the news the number of people contracting COVID-19 are increasing in large numbers.

As the Owner and Supervisor of Task-co, I am trying to stay positive although I do worry about the people that I employ. So fare we have not had an employee sick with COVID-19 since the pandemic started almost a year ago.

To help us all here at Task-co stay safe we have been making it mandatory to practice the

Mandatory – All Management and staff must disinfect all touch points in our work vehicles
after every shift.

Mandatory – While traveling in our work vehicles we can only have a maximum of 3 staff riding in a vehicle while following social distancing spacing. It is also mandatory to wear a mask at all times while riding with other
passengers. Masks are provided by Task-co Building Maintenance Management.


Mandatory – It is essential that Task-co Management and Staff continue the practice of cleaning and disinfecting our workplace, touch points, bathrooms, floors, etc., and at our Task-co unit before and after each shift.

Mandatory – Task-co Management and Staff have been given instruction that it is mandatory to clean and disinfect all vacuums and cleaning caddies after each shift. This also includes our handyman division tools.

Mandatory – Task-co will be making it a mandatory regulation to wear a mask at all times even when we are performing a job outside and on company time as the COVID-19 virus can travel and linger in the air for a long period of time.  Also in this New year, I’ve been researching goggles that will also protect the virus from getting into our system through our eyes. I will be providing goggles that are good quality and a clear lens. This will also be a new mandatory regulation to wear these goggles at all times as we have to wear our masks at all times.

Mandatory – We are implementing a new regulation as requested by several of our clients that smoke breaks will be taken in a designated area 6 feet apart from other individuals and off of/away from any of Task-co’s or a Client’s property.

Mandatory – It is a NEW mandatory regulation that lunch breaks or any other type of break have to be taken 6 feet apart. This includes having to drink or sip on any hot or cold drinks.

Task-co Management will be encouraging Staff to wash their hands more frequently and use hand sanitizer when a wash station is not accessible.

As a Business Owner, I feel very responsible for your well being as we are dealing with these hard times and this new norm. All I can do is try and keep everyone employed by Task-co Building Maintenance safe and enforce these rules while on company time.

I do so much appreciate everyone’s cooperation, you are all very brave however, I also wonder how we all practice what we do while away from the workplace in regard to our government announcements of what we should be doing outside of our workplace to help flatten the curve.

As I cannot tell anyone employed by Task-co what they can or cannot do outside of the workplace, I can only ask if you can help by social distancing with family and friends; to keep practicing what our Canadian government is telling us all to help flatten the curve and to stay home unless you need to go to visit an essential service, the doctors, pick up
groceries and supplies.

If traveling outside of Ontario or Canada, Task-co Management needs to be notified before you leave as we have to make arrangements for someone to fill your position. When you arrive back we will require that you have a COVID-19 test and quarantine for 14 days.

If you develop a virus of any sort, Task-co Management requires that you notify us immediately and that COVID-19 test results must be provided before you return to work.

It only hits us as an individual when a close family member or friend contracts COVID-19. I look around while I am out working, and I do notice that people tend to drop their guard from time to time. I know that we are all just human, but I would ask if we can try and stay diligent and focused.

Examples of unacceptable practices are listed below:

  • Unacceptable – Wearing your mask on/below your chin while working around coworkers or in public buildings or working outside.
  • Unacceptable – Eating food without washing your hands and being less than 6 (six) feet apart.
  • Unacceptable – Wearing a cloth mask and not washing it frequently.
  • Unacceptable – Not replacing an N95 mask after 30 hours of use.
  • Unacceptable – Traveling outside of Canada or Ontario and not notifying Management.
  • Unacceptable – Non-cooperation and difficult attitude towards the rules of keeping everyone safe.
  • Unacceptable – Not properly washing your hands frequently.

All of the above examples should be turned around to become acceptable.

Thank you for everyone’s cooperation and loyalty to Task-co Building Maintenance.

Thanks for reading, stay safe everyone and keep your guard up.


Raymond D’Aguiar – Owner
Task-co Building Maintenance
Tel: 905-240-4412
Fax: 905-240-4410